As I was lying in bed this morning under my warm and cozy covers, my mind starting going over the lists of things I needed to do today. People to call, emails to send, chores to do, and projects to tackle. I am a perpetual list maker. Whether I am adding to existing lists, or scratching down new ones in this or that notebook, my brain is constantly measuring my productivity by how much I am able to cross off. I have been known, on any given day really, to add to my list those little interruptions that show up. You know the ones. The forgotten homework that needs ran to town(I really didn't do this one too much, but I have caved a time or two), the pet accident on the carpet, the kid accident on the carpet, the washer deciding to call it quits as it is full of wet clothes and water that all need emptied before it can be fixed, or even just the last minute trips into town to pick up this or that needed item(one of the downfalls of living 8 miles away from just about everything except great running trails, but we'll talk about that later). I like to add them to the bottom of my list, simply so I can cross them off and feel like I at least got something done. As another day starts to wind down and I am feeling pretty darn unproductive as I look at today's lists, I've decided to start from scratch and jot down a new list for the day: a few of my favorite things. No singing this one though...just a list. And thankfully, I don't have to cross anything off. :)
A Few of My Favorite Things
the dimples on babies' hands
homemade chicken and noodles
running hills(call me crazy)
dear friends that I consider family
family that I consider dear friends
the night sky
my secret hammock spot
candlelit bubble baths
dripping with sweat after a workout
real mail
real books
real people
going barefoot
more importantly, coffee creamer...flavored, of course
indoor rock climbing, although I don't get to do it enough
friends that know my heart
staying up late
mercy and grace
sitting by the fire with good company
random texts from my favorite people
nail polish(with awesome names, of course)
homegrown tomatoes
challenging myself
and someday, when I actually make it up in time, I'm sure I can add sunrises as well.
"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalms 126:3
From this girl's shoes,