Wow. So the past couple mornings, I have scrolled through my Facebook memories like I always do, and lo and behold, this lovely, barely existent blog has popped up. When I first started this blog, I was trying to work up the courage to share my story with whomever felt like reading. Not that I think my story is all that special really, it is just one of trials and triumphs, heartache and hope, and restlessness and resilience. So much has happened since my last post, so my goal is to fill in some of the gaps, and then just see where this thing goes. One of my favorite illustrations in the Bible is the story of Moses at the battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites. Moses sent Joshua and his men to fight as he stood up on a hill overseeing the battle. Moses held the staff of God in his hands above his head, and as long as his hands were raised, the Israelites were winning. As he grew tired and his hands lowered, the Amalekites would then gain momentum. Here is my favorite part though...Aaron and Hur were there with Moses, and they both came alongside him and helped him keep his hands up when he was too tired to do it himself. Is there a much better thing in this life than to have someone stand beside us when the going gets tough, keep us up on our feet and help carry our burden? I am incredibly thankful for my Aarons and Hurs, and my intention for sharing my journey is that I can be that for someone else.
From this girl's shoes,