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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Never Have I Ever

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, mostly due to the fact that my nest is going to be facing yet another void here in the next few months, and quite honestly, I am not really ready for it. I mean, who is REALLY ready for it? I have loved being able to be a SAHM, but found it important over the years to not get completely lost in that title. I would never trade it for the world, but I made a point to have some interests that were not directly related to my kiddos. Since my children were little, I have looked for new things to try, hobbies to pursue, groups to join, etc. just so that when this empty nest season was upon us, I wouldn't find myself at such a loss. My long list includes things like cake decorating, piano lessons, 2 MOPS groups(okay...very related to my kiddos), a few different bible study groups, rock climbing, running, homemade paper making, canning, gardening, voice lessons, quilting...i could go on and on... And I guess it has helped, to a degree anyway, but I am finding I still have to continue exploring new things to help keep my brain busy as life keeps changing around here. A game we have played for years now with our youth groups, with the adult leaders, at women's retreats, etc. is 'Never Have I Ever', or 'I Have Never'. To start the game, everyone holds up 10 fingers, and then we take turns stating something we have never done. If anyone else in the group has done it, then they put down a finger. The object of the game is to be the last one with fingers still up. I've decided to compile a list of 'nevers' that I need to get accomplished in the near future(which will make the game a little harder next time, too!!).

My ever-changing list:

I have never...
rode a tandem bike.
sang at an open mic night.
been to the ocean.
eaten lobster.
been ice fishing or fly fishing.
attended a symphony.
painted a real picture.
played raquetball.
slept in a treehouse. heck...i've never been in a treehouse.
made pottery.
actually watched The Princess Bride.
been snow skiing.
learned how to knit.
been to a jazz club.
been kayaking.
sang karaoke.
been on a road trip in an RV.
actually golfed.
participated in a triathlon.
been on a mission trip.
driven a boat. those may not seem too crazy exciting to most of you, but give me time to get my feet wet..I am sure I will keep adding to this list, and I am always open to suggestions!! A few things that will remain on the 'i have never' list for a bit longer though...

been bungee jumping.
been skydiving.
gotten a tattoo.
driven a motorcycle.
been parasailing, paragliding, or anything else with the prefix 'para'.
been out of the country(but someday!!).

Let the adventures continue!!!

From this girl's shoes,

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Beginnings

So I am sitting down to write this evening, and it is one of those days where I just wish all of the thoughts in my head would easily translate into words so I could actually convey what it is that I am thinking. Instead, I sense quite a bit of rambling, so read on if you wish. If not, that is okay, too.  I have missed writing the last couple of weeks,  mostly due to the holidays. Christmas this year was not picture perfect, far from it really, but we made it through. That pretty much sums up the entire year though. Without a doubt, those were the longest, hardest 365 days in a row to date, and I am so ready to turn the page for a new chapter. Throughout the year, certain thoughts entered my mind such as, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger', 'God never gives you more than you can handle', 'if He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it'...And there are definitely days I've just wanted to throw an all out tantrum, kicking and screaming, "ENOUGH ALREADY!!!" But here we are, a brand new day, a brand new year, with not much different than before, but that is okay. I am learning to take each day as it comes, and really trying hard not to worry so much about what is ahead. The great thing about 2013 is that it isn't just  the tough stuff carrying over to 2014. Last year brought new friends, stronger relationships, a new job, and new adventures.  How awesome is it to be able continue all of that into the new year! I am not a big resolution maker(or keeper, for that matter), but I am a list maker, and a goal setter(so, yeah...i guess you could call them resolutions if you must). I've been jotting down some habits I'd like to make stronger, and others that need to go, but my overall goal for this new year is to find myself at the end of it feeling a little more blessed than stressed. I know I cannot control my circumstances to a degree, but I can choose to give over to God what I can't handle myself(which is a ton of stuff), and to really work on focusing on those oodles of blessings that show up every single day. Thankfully, I am surrounded by a few truly dear friends who have my back(and my heart!), and I know they'll be there, letting me whine a little when necessary, but then pushing me on to keep at it. I know I couldn't do this without them! So here's to 2014 and all of the fun and not so fun adventures ahead! Ready to BE FIERCE and ROCK IT!! (i think) :)

From this girl's shoes,